Gerard Dunleavy

I’ve looked up to Gerard Dunleavy’s work ever since we were shown it here in First year in animation. His work is to such a high standard, and like many artists, it is hard to keep looking up at them and to not feel so terrible about your work at that point in time. It’s important to focus on how far you’ve come and to strive on and keep working harder.

Notes from the talk:

  • Currently works primarily in advertising. Advertising enables you to try new things as clients often don’t know what they honestly want.
  • Got his first job at the Mill as part of an award for winning CGI student competition.
  • It can be disheartening to work on a film, for your scene to be cut as you cannot share it publicly.
  • Fake it until you make it.
  • Expect long hours at the start to improve on your work.

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