Showreel Samples

We were set a task to find showreels we loved that contained good information and showed good demonstration of the work involved from the artists. I studied mostly modelling and sculpting showreels as this is what I most enjoy.

  • match your showreel to your cv
  • rotate the object, not the light so the light changes on the object
  • credit model if you didn’t work on it
  • can credit at the end
  • use copyright free music

I love Ran Manolov’s work. He shows different versions of his models such as the wireframe, the model with/without texture alongside each other and presents his model’s very nicely. I really love how he kept movement throughout his still models. It look very professional and I like the simple light setup. I just wish he included the software he used throughout. I like the neutral grey background or simple black background within this showreel.

Sichen Zang shows clearly the breakdown of work put into creating every piece and it is nice to see the progress. It’s not a personal reel however.

I wish this had some music. He shows the programmes used for every project which is good. I wish some of his pieces had more movement but it is nice to see the breakdowns.

I really like Jason Brown’s work and how he shows a turntable of his character creations, and then shows them in action. I think the music could be changed as I don’t think it would suit everyone’s tastes.

I’ve followed Victor Hernandez’s work for a while now, and although his models are stunning, I think he spends too long showing them off. They are very detailed, so perhaps this is what he intended.


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