Week 05- Character Development

Aaron Blaise

You need to understand how your character fits into the story, and getting to know the character.

Wait until developing the characters- you understand things within the story that will translate into your drawings.

  • What do they want?
  • What is their drive each day?
  • What do they like/dislike?
  • What is their background? How have they become who they are?

Character dichotomy- opposing views (a hero who is mischievous) that makes your character interesting.

Character Paradoxes- A mobster who likes kittens; visually interesting.

Understand the art direction of the short film before you start designing.

Adding Color:

  • Think about color harmony- Toned down, with one accent (a brighter color to make the character pop). Don’t use too many colors.

I think one of the most important lessons learned was simply creating appealing characters and experimenting with different expressions to understand our character’s minds:

With this, I decided to explore actors and images of every day people to try to get to know Samuel and Walter more, as Aaron Blaise often talked about how our character’s minds develop their own designs.


Pinterest Board for Samuel link

Character Sheet:


Some further designs:






Pinterest Board for Walter Link

Character Sheet:


Further Designs:

Outfit Inspiration:


Character Modelling Charts:


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