Multi-Part Project Reflection

Overall, I really think I could have done so much better in each area of this project. I think that it was mostly over estimating how much I could get done. I spent so much time in the beginning thinking of ideas and loads of time researching with very little to show. However, I learnt a lot from this and I definitely will not leave my blog to the last minute again so I hope some of my research will come across well.

I learnt new ways of modelling, such as using vectors from illustrator and bringing them in and I also learnt better ways of hard surface modelling within maya such as duplicating faces and building off of these to make pieces fit together nicely. I also had rarely animated anything…basically nothing since February 2015 so it really is not my strong suit, but to be honest I learnt from Digital Tutors and feel like I really got into the swing of it and enjoyed it once progress started to show in my animations.

I absolutely adore ZBrush. I am quite pleased with how this model turned out as it is my first real attempt at using ZBrush and I learnt so much with Digital Tutors. I still could have so much more done and have not had the chance to retopologise my model. I also didn’t find the time to finish UV unwrapping my other models which is a shame.

I will be sure to manage my time better after this project and set deadlines for myself up to hand in.

Rendered Sculpture

I brought my sculpt into Maya quickly and used ambient occlusion to set up nicer renders:


Closer up detail. I tried to include some carvings into it like in Nicholas Kole’s concept into the knuckles and knees using the damian standard brush on zsub option:


Retopologising in Maya

So we were taught how to do some retolopogy in class with Alec. He gave us these images to study where the lines go.

Tips on what I did:

  • Make object live- select in object mode, click magnet.
  • Use quad draw tool- select points, shit select to draw the quads.
  • Control shift deletes them.

This is how I started:



I also created a pinterest board for some topology to go back to my model to retopologise it:

Adding detail to the Sculpt

I mostly used masking and deformation options to create the detail that I added:


Some progress shots:


Problems with the Mesh

I came across problems with the hands. I had carved into them too mush so the geometry got so thin that holes started forming. Little did I know that there was a simple solution:

  • Using inflate over the holes
  • Re projecting dynamesh
  • Using smooth over them
  • Repeat until solid




Modelling the Hermit Creature

Making the base in Maya. This looks so disgusting but hopefully I can fix it up in ZBrush:


Some gifs I created to show progress after bringing the model into ZBrush using the GoZ option.


The shape still wasn’t right so I had to mask areas, move parts, re project dynamesh and smooth out areas continuously until the silhouette of the character fitted more with the concept.


I added the eyes as a simple subtool and had to fix up the huge hands!



It was fairly awkward reshaping the fingers and drawing this out. It took quite a while before the model starting coming together.



I made up a little back design to add something extra to the sculpt.


All of the nails were separate subtools. I created one tooth, duplicated, fixed up and eventually brought them down to the feet and hands. They took so long to move into each place! I also started to sculpt out and use dynamesh for the little flaps on the head.


Some progress images:




Making the Orb

I modelled two simple half spheres in maya and extruded them inwards. I then used the GoZ tool to bring them in as a subtool into maya.

I used the masking and deformation settings to inflate the designs inwards.



I created some little texture marks on the insets and used the damian standard brush to create more lines around these. I also used some vein like alpha channels to add more texture. I used the rotational symmetry tool to create more designs with aplha channels and with the damian standard brush. It was really fun and quick.


I knew that creating the orb in zbrush would be good. I tried to stick with the deformation options to change the shape as its a lot easier to control than the regular options in the workspace. I also thought it was very good to learn how to do some hard surface modelling using the flatten brush and cutting pieces away.


Another part of the design on the inside was created in maya and brought back into zbrush as a subtool using the GoZ option. It’s so handy.


I reduced the topology of the mesh by creating a duplicate and projecting the high quality mesh onto the lower one. I lost some detail but this should be good for bringing my creature into maya.


Zbrush Experimenting

I tried out a little random experiment. I used subtools and merged the two together.

Here are some little progress gifs I created. I should download a screen recording device, but I love that you can see progress along the bar above the workspace within zbrush.



Some captured images. I’d love to finish this off sometime:

Digital Tutors: First Day In Zbrush

I started looking at this tutorial for zbrush to see if I would enjoy it as ZBrush seems to be a lot more popular in the industry than mudbox for sculpting.

Creating Geometry from ZSpheres

  • Tool Menu- S (simple brush), click zsphere and click and drag into the work area.
  • Hit T to edit it.
  • Move pen around the outside of the geometry to move it around.
  • Hold alt to pan around.
  • Hold Alt with pen down and release to zoom in and out.
  • Can press floor and persp button to help.
  • Press transform, symmetry in x-axis.
  • Create new zspheres. Move these clicking the move tool. Create more with draw.
  • Shift, drag pen to frame to axis- snaps grid rotation.
  • Always save work through the tool palette.

Adding Features with Dynamesh

  • To see the geo created from zspheres hit A key.
  • Go to adaptive skin tool settings- tool palette- adaptive skin, can change density.
  • To make geo select [make adaptive skin]
  • Save as ztool or project.
  • Go to geometry tool, turn off project.
  • Turn resolution down and turn on dynamesh.
  • Hold shift to smooth brush strokes.

I ended up ditching the tutorial because I was having loads of problems with the zspheres.


When I smoothed the zspheres, some parts caved in and other parts stuck out. I should really give them another chance sometime as they could be easier to use than maya for a base mesh.


Animals Representing the Hermit Creature

So I wanted to research the bone structure of some animals I think could combine to look like Nicholas Kole’s Hermit Creature and I thought the head looked almost like a lizard’s. It’s head is quite wide and the eyes are far apart. I once owned a bearded dragon lizard and loved how unusual it was as a pet.

The legs are like a dog or a wolf’s hind legs. Natasha mentioned that they look like a quadruped’s legs stood up…almost like a werewolf bone structure. She also suggested that the feet were so large and looked like they could belong to an elephant.

I think a lot of the bone structure could be quite humanoid.

This is a simple picture I put together of all the animals I think could be included in the bone and muscle structure. The images are just from google.

I am positive there are far more but this was just to get a quick grasp. I would like to draw it out in full sometime:

hermit anatomy.jpg