Solve a Problem

First week back, put in a randomized team and told we had to come up with our own problem and create something 3D and rendered to solve this problem within 3 days. Awesome!

We looked at all sorts of problems including nuclear warfare, vehicle crashes, natural disasters but couldn’t come up with something simple enough to model to solve this so started looking at human faults. The team studied Alzheimer’s disease, depression, blindness and we looked into prosthetic limbs… looking into iron man, being able to breathe underwater etc. Natalie came up with trying to increase our memory capacity using a memory hard drive and we developed further into this also looking at cameras to replace eyes. I researched into the Seagate 1TB per square inch hard drive to fit onto a head piece or into a person (


I studied brainwaves and looked into headsets that can affect your mood such as Muse and a new one coming out that can change your mood to a desired state within 10mins.( ( We studied how we could power it and some indian students developed a wind and solar powered helmet to charge your phone as you drive. (


The team gained another brilliant idea of a helmet that reads your brainwaves and if you are feeling low it would read back to a machine that would inject certain chemicals into you such as dopamine to make you feel better but we decided to combine this and the idea of having a memory chip..but to make this more realistic we would have a camera on the headset to record memories all the time (it would delete everything after 5mins before and after a spike in the brain activity so there would be 10mins of memory) and would play them back to you when it reads that you are feeling low.

Some of my designs:


We decided to base it mostly off of one of Amy’s designs and Matthew modelled it:


We wouldn’t have had time to put in any of the textures that i sampled because Matthew had been working in softimage and it would have been more of a hassle but these are the samples I created: